' This program exported from BASIC Anywhere Machine (Version [5.2.3].[2024.]) on 2024.12.26 at 04:11 (Coordinated Universal Time) _TITLE "Saucer Zap" ' BAM port and mod by Charlie Veniot ' of the QBJS by James D. Jarvis, it a mod ' of Plasma Laser Canon demo prep for GUI 2020-11-11 OPTION EXPLICIT OPTION BASE 1 _INITAUDIO SCREEN _NEWIMAGE( 1200, 600, 32 ) ALERT( "Click/touch the screen to shoot your spaceship's plasma laser canon at that coordinate." _ + "\n\n The plasma laser cannon has a limited range, so will not shoot if you click/touch the screen too far away." _ + "\n\n Moving the ship requires a physical keyboard: [W] for up [S] for down [A] for left [D] for right." _ + "\n\n Each attack wave will have an increasing number of spaceships.") '🟠🟠🟠 DECLARE VARIABLES DIM AS LONG ShipLights DIM AS ULONG ShipColor DIM AS LONG cx, cy, mx, my, mb, sx, sy, ix, iy, killflag, x, score DIM AS SINGLE ma, md, dx, dy, damage, cdiv DIM AS INTEGER targetx(50), targety(50), targetvx(50), targetvy(50), targetalive(50), targets, targetsDestroyed DIM targetcolor(50) AS ULONG DIM w%, i%, ik$ '🟠🟠🟠 DECLARE SUBROUTINES DECLARE SUB PLC( baseX, baseY, targetX, targetY, targetR ) DECLARE SUB drawShip(x, y, colr AS ULONG ) DECLARE SUB drawtarget( x, y, colr AS ULONG ) DECLARE SUB fcirc( CX AS LONG, CY AS LONG, R AS LONG ) DECLARE SUB fEllipse( CX AS LONG, CY AS LONG, xRadius AS LONG, yRadius AS LONG ) '🟠🟠🟠 MAIN PROGRAM cy = INT( _HEIGHT / 2 ) : cx = INT( _WIDTH / 2 ) ShipColor = &HFF3366AA 🏁🏁🏁ProgramStart🏁🏁🏁: LET sx = cx, sy = cy, _ mx = 0, my = 0, mb = 0, ix = 0, iy = 0, killflag = 0, x = 0, score = 0, _ ma = 0, md = 0, dx = 0, dy = 0, damage = 0, cdiv = 0, _ targets = 2, targetsDestroyed = 0 GOSUB A100_🎯ResetTargets DO CLS GOSUB A200_🔤CheckKeyboard GOSUB A300_🖱CheckMouse CALL drawShip( sx, sy, ShipColor ) GOSUB F100_💥DoWeaponFiring GOSUB F200_🛸MoveTargets GOSUB F300_☠DoShipBoom '' IF killflag = 13 THEN LOCATE ( sy - ( sy MOD 16 )) / 16 , MIN( ( sx - ( sx MOD 8 )) / 8, _WIDTH / 8 - 8) : _ENDAUDIO : SOUND 325, 5 : COLOR _RGB32( 255, 255, 0 ) : PRINT " BOOM!!!! " _DISPLAY SLEEP 0.01 LOOP UNTIL killflag = 13 GOSUB Z100_🛑GameOver GOTO 🏁🏁🏁ProgramStart🏁🏁🏁 END '🟠🟠🟠 GOSUB SUBROUTINES A100_🎯ResetTargets: FOR i% = 1 TO targets DO IF INT( RND * 2 ) = 0 _ THEN : targetx(i%) = INT( RND * _WIDTH ) : targety(i%) = CHOOSE( INT( RND * 2 ) + 1, 0, YMAX ) ELSE : targety(i%) = INT( RND * _HEIGHT ) : targetx(i%) = CHOOSE( INT( RND * 2 ) + 1, 0, XMAX ) END IF targetvx(i%) = INT( RND * 2 ) - INT( RND * 2 ) targetvy(i%) = INT( RND * 2 ) - INT( RND * 2 ) targetcolor(i%) = _RGB32( INT( 100 + RND * 150 ), _ INT( 100 + RND * 150 ), _ INT( 100 + RND * 150 ) ) targetalive(i%) = 10 LOOP UNTIL INT( targetx(i%) / 30 ) <> INT( sx / 20 ) _ AND INT( targety(i%) / 30 ) <> INT( sy / 30 ) NEXT i% sx = cx sy = cy RETURN A200_🔤CheckKeyboard: ik$ = INKEY$ SELECT CASE ik$ CASE "W", "w" iy = IFF( sy - 30 >= 0, iy - 4, iy ) ix = 0 CASE "A", "a" iy = 0 ix = IFF( sx - 50 >= 0, ix - 4, ix ) CASE "S", "s" iy = IFF( sy + 30 <= YMAX, iy + 4, iy ) ix = 0 CASE "D", "d" iy = 0 ix = IFF( sx + 50 <= XMAX, ix + 4, ix ) END SELECT RETURN A300_🖱CheckMouse: GETMOUSE mx, my, w%, mb dx = mx - sx ' ship avoids collision with mouse dy = my - sy ma = _ATAN2( dy, dx ) md = SQR( dy * dy + dx * dx ) IF md < 80 THEN md = 80 sx = sx + ix sy = sy + iy ix = ix / 2 iy = iy / 2 RETURN F100_💥DoWeaponFiring: IF mb AND md < 301 THEN CALL PLC(sx, sy, mx, my, 10 ) : _ENDAUDIO : SOUND 25,1 ShipColor = _RGB32( INT( RND * 100 ) + 150, _ INT( RND * 100 ) + 150, _ INT( RND * 100 ) + 150 ) FOR x = 1 TO targets IF INT( targetx(x) / 20 ) = INT( mx / 20 ) AND INT( targety(x) / 20 ) = INT( my / 20 ) AND targetalive(x) > 0 THEN damage = 1 + ABS( 10 - INT( RND * SQR(md) ) ) targetalive(x) = targetalive(x) - damage cdiv = ( 20 - targetalive(x) ) / 2 targetcolor(x) = _RGB32( INT( RND * ( 100 / cdiv ) ) + ( 150 / cdiv ), _ INT( RND * ( 100 / cdiv ) ) + ( 150 / cdiv ), _ INT( RND * ( 100 / cdiv ) ) + ( 150 / cdiv ) ) _ENDAUDIO : SOUND 95,5 IF targetalive(x) <= 0 THEN score += 1 : targetsDestroyed += 1 IF targetsDestroyed = targets THEN targets += IFF( targets <= 47, 3, 0 ) : targetsDestroyed = 0 : GOSUB A100_🎯ResetTargets END IF NEXT x END IF RETURN F200_🛸MoveTargets: FOR i% = 1 TO targets targetx(i%) = targetx(i%) + targetvx(i%) targety(i%) = targety(i%) + targetvy(i%) IF INT( targetx(i%) / 30 ) = INT( sx / 30 ) AND INT( targety(i%) / 20 ) = INT( sy / 20 ) AND targetalive(i%) > 0 THEN killflag = 13 IF RND * 100 < 30 THEN SELECT CASE INT( RND * 20 ) CASE 1, 2, 3 'seek ship IF targetx(i%) < sx THEN targetvx(i%) = 2 IF targetx(i%) > sx THEN targetvx(i%) = -2 IF targety(i%) < sx THEN targetvy(i%) = 2 IF targety(i%) > sx THEN targetvy(i%) = -2 CASE 4, 5 'flee ship IF targetx(i%) < sx THEN targetvx(i%) = -2 IF targetx(i%) > sx THEN targetvx(i%) = 2 IF targety(i%) < sx THEN targetvy(i%) = -2 IF targety(i%) > sx THEN targetvy(i%) = 2 CASE 7 'rando change targetvy(i%) = targetvy(i%) + INT( RND * 3 ) - INT( RND * 3 ) targetvx(i%) = targetvx(i%) + INT( RND * 3 ) - INT( RND * 3 ) END SELECT END IF IF targetx(i%) < -20 THEN targetx(i%) = XMAX IF targetx(i%) > XMAX + 20 THEN targetx(i%) = 0 IF targety(i%) < -20 THEN targety(i%) = YMAX IF targety(i%) > YMAX + 20 THEN targety(i%) = 0 IF targetalive(i%) > 0 THEN CALL drawtarget( targetx(i%), targety(i%), targetcolor(i%) ) NEXT i% RETURN F300_☠DoShipBoom: IF killflag = 13 _ THEN LOCATE ( sy - ( sy MOD 16 )) / 16 , MIN( ( sx - ( sx MOD 8 )) / 8, _WIDTH / 8 - 8) : _ _ENDAUDIO : SOUND 325, 5 : _ COLOR _RGB32( 255, 255, 0 ) : _ PRINT " BOOM!!!! " RETURN Z100_🛑GameOver: _AUTODISPLAY _DELAY 1 CLS COLOR _RGB32(255, 255, 0) _ENDAUDIO SOUND 55, 5 : SOUND 45, 5 : SOUND 55, 5 PRINT : PRINT "GAME OVER" PRINT : PRINT "Score "; (score * score) * 1000 PRINT : PRINT "Press any key or click the screen to start a new game" SLEEP CLS RETURN '🟠🟠🟠 SUB DEFINITIONS SUB PLC( baseX, baseY, targetX, targetY, targetR ) ' PLC for PlasmaLaserCannon DIM r, g, b, hp, ta, dist, dr, x, y, c, rr r = RND ^ 2 * RND: g = RND ^ 2 * RND: b = RND ^ 2 * RND: hp = _PI(.5) ' red, green, blue, half pi ta = _ATAN2( targetY - baseY, targetX - baseX ) ' angle of target to cannon base dist = SQR( [ ( targetX - baseX ) ^ 2 ] + [ ( targetY - baseY ) ^ 2 ] ) ' distance cannon to target dr = targetR / dist FOR r = 0 TO dist STEP .25 x = baseX + r * COS(ta) y = baseY + r * SIN(ta) c = c + .3 COLOR _RGB32( 128 + 127 * SIN( r * c ), _ 128 + 127 * SIN( g * c ), _ 128 + 127 * SIN( b * c ) ) CALL fcirc( x, y, dr * r ) NEXT FOR rr = dr * r TO 0 STEP -.5 c = c + 1 COLOR _RGB32( 128 + 127 * SIN( r * c ), _ 128 + 127 * SIN( g * c ), _ 128 + 127 * SIN( b * c ) ) CALL fcirc( x, y, rr ) NEXT rr END SUB SUB drawShip( x, y, colr AS ULONG ) 'shipType collisions same as circle x, y radius = 30 ' shared here ShipLights DIM AS LONG light, r, g, b r = _RED(colr) : g = _GREEN(colr) : b = _BLUE(colr) COLOR _RGB32( r, g - 120, b - 100 ) CALL fEllipse( x, y, 6, 15 ) COLOR _RGB32( r, g - 60, b - 50 ) CALL fEllipse ( x, y, 18, 11 ) COLOR _RGB32( r, g, b ) CALL fEllipse ( x, y, 30, 7 ) FOR light = 0 TO 5 COLOR _RGB32( ShipLights * 50, ShipLights * 50, ShipLights * 50 ) CALL fcirc( x - 30 + 11 * light + ShipLights, y, 1 ) NEXT light ShipLights = IFF( ShipLights + 1 > 5, 0, ShipLights + 1 ) END SUB SUB drawtarget( x, y, colr AS ULONG ) 'shipType collisions same as circle x, y radius = 30 ' shared here ShipLights DIM AS LONG light, r, g, b r = _RED(colr) : g = _GREEN(colr) : b = _BLUE(colr) COLOR _RGB32( r, g - 120, b - 100 ) CALL fEllipse( x, y, 3, 15 ) COLOR _RGB32( r, g - 60, b - 50 ) CALL fEllipse( x, y, 9, 11 ) COLOR _RGB32( r, g, b ) CALL fEllipse( x, y, 15, 7 ) FOR light = 1 TO 3 COLOR _RGB32( ShipLights * 50, ShipLights * 50, ShipLights * 50 ) CALL fcirc( x - 30 + 11 * light + ShipLights, y, 1 ) NEXT light ShipLights = IFF( ShipLights + 1 > 5, 0, ShipLights + 1 ) END SUB SUB fcirc( CX AS Long, CY AS LONG, R AS LONG ) DIM AS LONG subRadius, RadiusError, X, Y subRadius = ABS(R) RadiusError = -subRadius X = subRadius Y = 0 IF subRadius = 0 THEN PSET ( CX, CY ) : EXIT SUB ' Draw the middle span here so we don't draw it twice in the main loop, ' which would be a problem with blending turned on. LINE ( CX - X, CY ) TO ( CX + X, CY ), , BF WHILE X > Y RadiusError = RadiusError + Y * 2 + 1 IF RadiusError >= 0 THEN IF X <> Y + 1 THEN LINE ( CX - Y, CY - X ) TO ( CX + Y, CY - X ), , BF LINE ( CX - Y, CY + X ) TO ( CX + Y, CY + X ), , BF END IF X = X - 1 RadiusError = RadiusError - X * 2 END IF Y = Y + 1 LINE ( CX - X, CY - Y ) TO ( CX + X, CY - Y ), , BF LINE ( CX - X, CY + Y ) TO ( CX + X, CY + Y ), , BF WEND END SUB SUB fEllipse(CX AS LONG, CY AS LONG, xRadius AS LONG, yRadius AS LONG) DIM scale AS SINGLE, x AS LONG, y AS LONG scale = yRadius / xRadius LINE ( CX, CY - yRadius ) TO ( CX, CY + yRadius ), , BF FOR x = 1 TO xRadius y = scale * SQR( xRadius * xRadius - x * x ) LINE ( CX + x, CY - y ) TO ( CX + x, CY + y ), , BF LINE ( CX - x, CY - y ) TO ( CX - x, CY + y ), , BF NEXT END SUB